Tuesday, June 4, 11:00 am; Choi Auditorium
“Crash Course on Humanities/Social Science Research”
Samantha Hilton (First Year Experience and Student Success Librarian)
Description: Research fundamentals and some advanced tips.
Intended audience: All humanities & social sciences students looking for more details beyond an introduction to research or who want a refresher.
Wednesday, June 5, 2:00 pm; Choi Auditorium
“Intro to Research in Special Collections and Archives”
Helena de Lemos (Special Collections Instruction & Research Librarian) and Alanna Quan (Archivist)
Description: Preparing to use Primary Sources in your research: Learn what’s different about researching archival materials, why special collections can be peculiar, how to time and plan your research, and take crucial notes for your citations.
Intended audience: All disciplines, All years, especially those with no prior experience in special collections or archives (or who have never visited SCCA before!)
Thursday, June 6, Noon: Luncheon is *Grab & Go* Pick up in front of Library.
Contact your Peer Mentors about the location of your meeting.
Friday, June 7, 10:00 am; Choi Auditorium
“Advanced Science Research”
Kathleen Makarewicz (Science Librarian)
Description: Identify article databases that are most relevant for your research, how to find full text, how to find an article from a reference and more!
Intended audience: All science disciplines, some experience with searching for research resources.