The Center for Research & Scholarship sponsors a number of programs and events both to support faculty research and scholarship, as well as to celebrate faculty accomplishments.

Please subscribe to see our events and workshops on your calendar.  

RECEPTION: Honoring faculty who have received grants/fellowships

Join us to celebrate faculty who have been awarded grants & fellowships!

Grants/fellowships panel
PANEL: Advice on successful grant/fellowship applications

Come hear a panel of Oxy faculty give advice on how to be successful with grants and fellowships!

Sabbatical Talks
Sabbatical Talks (Fall 2019)

Join us to hear about colleagues’ work while on sabbatical last semester!

Puerto - Mexico
RECEPTION: Faculty-led Richter projects

Come hear about faculty-led Richter projects from the first cohort of faculty to research with students abroad!

 RECEPTION: New Faculty Scholarship
RECEPTION: New Faculty Scholarship (2018-2019 cohort)

Join us to learn about the research of our new faculty!

Info Session—Faculty & Administrator Fulbright Programs
Info Session—Faculty & Administrator Fulbright Programs

A terrific opportunity to meet with a representative from the Fulbright program.


Research Plan
WORKSHOP: Making a summer research plan

At this half-day workshop, we engage in a series of exercises so that we can leave with a feasible summer research plan.

Eric Schmidt
WORKSHOP: Publishing your book manuscript


Editor Eric Schmidt from University of California Press will lead a workshop that demystifies the process of publishing a book and that offers simple tips to enhance your success.

Writing Retreat
Spring Break Writing Retreat

The CRS will be hosting writing retreats during spring break--join us for one or both days!

Lehr & Liu
“Shared Objects” series: Poverty

Join our panelists as they discuss how Sociologists and Economists approach the study of the same social phenomenon: poverty

Contact Center for Research & Scholarship
Aleksandra Sherman
Associate Professor, Cognitive Science; Director, Center for Research & Scholarship