The Young Initiative invites foreign policy experts and guest speakers to campus to engage in discussions on international relations and the global political economy with students and faculty.

United Nations Week

With the William and Elizabeth Kahane United Nations Program, the Young Initiative supports the annual United Nations Week at Occidental College. We are passionate in maintaining students involvement and engagement in sustainable development. Our students choose topics that link Global Political Economy, Social Justice, and Sustainable Development.

UN Week 2020: Climate Change & Economic/Environmental Justice

Keynote speaker, Dr. Steven Were Omamo, Representative and Country Director for the UN World Food Programme (WFP) in Ethiopia, provided perspective and insights about the UN's work on Climate Change and Environmental Justice.

UN Week 2019: Gender, Sexuality and Collective Action

The keynote speaker, Ambassador Melanne Verveer spoke to students about gender in the Sustainable Development Goals.

UN Week 2018: The Power of Place

LA Mayor Eric Garcetti announced a new partnership with Oxy to advance the Sustainable Development Goals.

UN Week 2017: Through Refugees Eyes

Michel Gabaudan, President, Refugees International gave a talk on “The Global Refugee and Migration Crisis Under Trump: Where is the US? Where is Europe? What Can We Do About It?”

UN Week 2016: The UN and the US after Obama

Historian and foreign policy expert, Stephen Schlesinger reflected back on the history of the UN and predicted its future trajectory. Honorary Lloyd Axworthy, former Foreign Minister of Canada gave a talk titled: "Resetting the Narrative: Peace, Security, and the UN's Responsibility to Protect."

Young Events

Young speakers give students and faculty an opportunity to expand their understanding of global issues. The Young Initiative sponsors several speakers each academic year highlighting particular aspects of global affairs and the global political economy.  The Young Speakers program is devoted to highlighting the work and success of eminent international affairs experts and Oxy alumni in public service and academia.


Image for A Conversation with Tarja Halonen
A Conversation with Tarja Halonen

I have found that one of the most important resources that every student can and should take advantage of here at Oxy is the wide assortment of guests that the department will bring in. It never ceases to amaze me the number of famous well-known figures that come. Speakers like Howard Dean and Strobe Talbot.

Young Initiative 2014-15 Annual Report

The last academic year has proven to be exceptionally productive for the Young Initiaitve at Occidental College.

David Sims on "The Future of Egypt"


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Image for Kathryn Sikkink: Human Rights as a Tool for Emanci
Kathryn Sikkink: Human Rights as a Tool for Emancipation

This past Monday, February 9th, 2015, Dr. Kathryn Sikkink visited Occidental College to give a talk entitled "Human Rights as a Tool for Emancipation."  I had the pleasure of hearing both her official talk, given to Occidental’s first-year class as a part of the Core Program’s lecture series, as well as attending a smaller lunch between Dr. Sikkink and students. Dr.

Video: Dr. Kathryn Sikkink

View the full talk given by Dr. Kathryn Sikkink here. For more information, please see blog post above.

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Image for Douglas Johnson: The Costs and Consequences of the
Douglas Johnson: The Costs and Consequences of the US Decision to Use Torture

In his talk on "The Costs and Consequences of Torture," Doug Johnson examined the morality and logic of US foreign policy decisions that led to the use of torture in Guantanamo Bay. In authorizing torture, the United States had to break our own eighth amendment and the fifth amendment.

Craft of Diplomacy Conference: Session One

Speakers: Ambassador Barbara Bodine, Ambassador Cameron Munter, Ambassador Chris O’Connor

Moderator: Professor Huss Banai, Occidental College

Craft of Diplomacy Conference: Session Two

Speakers: Prof. Kantathi Suphamongkhon and Amb. Stephen Bosworth

Moderator: Amb. Derek Shearer

Contact the John Parke Young Initiative on the Global Political Economy
Johnson Hall

The McKinnon Center for Global Affairs