An event featuring short talks highlighting research collaborations between Oxy students and faculty members.
Sponsored by the Undergraduate Research Center and the Student Research Assistant Program
Elise Corwin & Dr. Irina Rabkina (Computer Science)
Madeleine Henry & Dr. Movindri Reddy (DWA)
Miles Smith & Dr. Treena Basu (Mathematics)
Deirdre Ellis & Dr. David Kasunic (Music)
Ava Lubetkin, Vanessa Garza, Zoey Solomon & Dr. Sasha Sherman (Cognitive Science)
Campbell Gilbert & Dr. Bernie Boscoe (Computer Science)
Mikayla Woods & Dr. James Ford (English & Black Studies)
Carly Mitchell & Dr. Carmel Levitan (Cognitive Science)
Sophie Engle & Dr. Stephen Klemm (CSLC)
Edin Custo & Dr. Emmanuelle Despagnet-Ayoub (Chemistry)
Pooja Bansiya, Mia Kirkman & Dr. Stephanie Nelli (Cognitive Science)
Matt Major & Dr. Jacob Mackey (CSLC)
Lesly Sabroso, Danielle Jonas-Delson, Ally Fukada & Dr. Carmel Levitan (Cognitive Science)
Refreshments will be served