From Summer 2003: Designer, professor, and Medal of Arts recipient Ming Cho Lee '53 reflects on half a century's work in American theater
Whether he's ranching. riding, or rapping, Compton Cowboys leader Randy Hook '12 brings swagger to the saddle
From the biology department shipping PPE to hospitals to Oxy Arts making art kits to students in Highland Park, here are nine snapshots of the Oxy family coming together in a time of need
Assistant professor Aleem Hossain realized a dream when his first feature film was released theatrically in February—just before cinemas suddenly closed
From New York City's "penny" papers to feminist manifestos for the revolution: new books and music by Oxy authors
With a rich menu of contemporary programming, the College’s Oxy Arts initiative nourishes socially conscious dialogue between the campus and community
Alumni appreciations of music-minded professors emeriti Allen Gross and Tom Somerville
Sharing the joy of performing with generations of students, Thomas Somerville epitomized Glee
Kenturah Davis '02 explores the relationship between words and humanity through her intricate portraiture—and L.A. Metro riders will be seeing a lot more of her work
How did actor-producer-director Michael Angelo Covino ’08 become the sweetheart of the festival circuit with his feature film directorial debut, The Climb? It’s not as easy as riding a...