Explore Oxy’s academic programs within the Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences and Sciences. 

Oxy Courses

Oxy students and faculty are fully engaged in their courses. Explore this page to tune in to real Oxy classes, read through senior comprehensives and see data from international research projects within Oxy’s academic disciplines.

Faculty Spotlight

Teacher and student look at textbook together, surrounded by other books.
Oxy students are engaged members of the campus , building strong relationships with faculty. Watch these videos to see seniors talk to their own Oxy faculty mentors about the courses and academic experiences that inspired them, across the curriculum:

Student Research & International Programs

Students complete their own impressive research at Oxy through programs like the  and the . The International Programs Office sponsors research abroad as part of their many different programs of off-campus study. Read about Oxy's Rebellious Lawyering program, led by Associate Professor of Politics Thalia González. Like the College’s Kahane United Nations and Campaign Semester programs, it is a unique opportunity for students to combine classroom theory with hands-on experience—in this case, with public-interest law firms and nonprofits in Los Angeles. 

Oxy is a top producer of Fulbright recipients and other national and international fellowships, with students regularly receiving these highly selective awards thanks to the individual guidance provided by the Office of National & International Fellowships.

Contact Admission & Aid
Collins House

1600 Campus Road
Los Angeles, CA 90041