- Federally Mandated Reporting
(Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) is the mandatory reporting system for institutions of higher education who receive federal financial assistance (including Title IV funds).Data is collected three times a year. IPEDS data is made available publically and is used for benchmarking purposes.
IPEDS Fall Surveys
- Institutional Characteristics
- 12-month Enrollment
- Completions
IPEDS Winter Surveys
- Admissions
- Financial Aid
- Graduation Rates
- Outcomes
IPEDS Spring Survey
- Academic Libraries
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Fall Enrollment
- State Required Reporting
(Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities) regularly collects data to for data-informed decision and policy making.The Annual State Reporting Survey (ASRS) collects information about Fall and 12-month enrollments, transfer student enrollment, and financial aid awarded to various constituencies.
- Voluntary Participation
(American Association of University Professors) tracks salary information of full-time professors by academic rank. AAUP data is collected annually in the winter, and made publically available in the late spring (via and The Chronicle of Higher Education). The published data is used for benchmarking purposes.
(National Association of College and University Business Officers) annually collects tuition discounting figures. The data can be accessed by members and used for benchmarking purposes.
- College Search Tools
Several external agencies request various information from colleges and universities as marketing efforts and to power online search tools. Oxy actively provides information to:
- - powered by the U.S. Department of Education, this tool relies solely on publically available data (i.e., IPEDS)
- The College Board
- - along with a data form for colleges and universities to fill out and return, Peterson's solicits student feedback via a survey.
- College Ranking Systems
College rankings or ratings rely on data typically provided via statistical surveys.
- - Princeton Review relies almost exclusively on a survey aimed to collect the perceptions of college students. Institutional data is collected from IPEDS.
- - U.S News collects a lengthy statistical survey, in addition to two smaller statistical surveys on financial aid and finances to inform ranking methodologies.
- - WSJ/THE relies on publically accessible data (i.e., IPEDS) as well as a student perception survey.
Institutional Research does not necessarily participate in all external data requests. External reporting is carried out by data stewards throughout the College, including Human Resources, Financial Aid, Business Office, Registrar's Office, Admissions, and Alumni offices.