The following surveys are administered on a regular or need-be basis. Participation in surveys hosted by external agencies allow for benchmarking Oxy student responses against students at other participating institutions. Internally created and administered surveys allow for instruments to be tailored specifically for the Oxy student experience, data to be combined with internal information, and results to be analyzed and distributed in a more timely manner.
To find out when the next administration of a survey is scheduled, check out the survey calendar. For data or reports, visit the survey data page. Want to administer a survey? Review the College Survey Policy, then prepare and submit a proposal form.
- National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)
Center for Postsecondary Research, Indiana University
is administered every 3 years to first-year students and graduating seniors in the spring semester. The survey assesses the extent to which students engage in educational practices associated with high levels of learning and development.
Topics Covered: Academic challenge (higher-order learning, reflective and integrative learning, learning strategies, quantitative reasoning); learning with peers (collaborative learning and discussions with diverse others); experiences with faculty (student-faculty interactions, effective teaching practices); campus environment (quality of interactions, supportive environment); and high-impact practices (service learning, learning communities, research with faculty, internship or field experience, study abroad, culminating senior experience).
Years administered: 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2017-2019, 2024
- CIRP Freshman Survey (TFS)
Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) & Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP), UCLA
is administered every 3 years* to entering first-year, first-time (frosh) students during orientation. The survey provides information on students’ background characteristics, high school experiences, attitudes, behaviors, and expectations for college. It is the first in the HERI longitudinal survey series.
Topics Covered: Behaviors in high school, academic preparedness, admission decisions, expectations of college, student values and goals, past interactions with peers and faculty, concerns about financing college, and demographic characteristics.
Years administered: Annually from 2010-2019
*In 2021, the CIRP survey was put on a 3-year administration cycle and then on hold. Topics of interest were placed on internal Oxy surveys to maintain longevity.
- Your First College Year Survey (YFCY)
Higher Education Research Institute (HERI), & Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP), UCLA
The is administered every 3 years to first-year, first-time (frosh) students in the spring semester (at the end of students’ first year). The survey measures students’ academic, social and co-curricular experiences and development throughout the first year of college. It is the second in the HERI longitudinal survey series.
Topics covered: Academic experiences, extracurricular involvement, satisfaction and sense of belonging, perceptions of campus climate, interactions with diverse others, student-faculty interactions, health and wellness, and perceptions of intellectual growth.
Years administered: 2005-2008; 2010, 2011, 2013, 2016
- College Senior Survey (CSS)
Higher Education Research Institute (HERI), & Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP), UCLA
The is administered every 3 years to graduating seniors in the spring semester. The survey, designed as an exit survey, measures the impact of college though connecting academic, civic, and diversity outcomes with college experiences along with post-college goals and plans. It is the fourth in the HERI longitudinal survey series.
Topics covered: Academic achievement and engagement, student-faculty interactions, cognitive and affective development, perceptions of campus climate, interactions with diverse others, student goals and values, satisfaction and sense of belonging, degree aspirations, career and post-college plans.
Years administered: 2001, 2004, 2007 2010, 2013, 2016
- Diverse Learning Environments Survey (DLE)
Higher Education Research Institute (HERI), & Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP), UCLA
The , though not currently in the administration cycle, is administered to second and third year students in the spring semester. The survey captures student perceptions regarding the institutional climate, campus practices as experienced with faculty, staff, and peers, and student learning outcomes.
Topics covered: Campus climate, institutional practices, student learning outcomes, pervasiveness of sexual assault, diversity efforts, social identities, satisfaction and sense of belonging.
Years administered: 2014
- Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey (SACC)
Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium (HEDS)
The is an anonymous survey designed to collect perceptions of the campus climate, responsiveness to sexual assaults, and experiences of unwanted sexual contact or assault.
The data supports the Title IX Office and related programming for compliance and planning.
Years administered: 2016-2019, 2021
- Oxy Admitted Student Questionnaire (O-ASQ)
The O-ASQ is a shorter, more targeted survey administered every year* over the summer to first-year students admitted for the upcoming academic year. The instrument collects perceptions and opinions specific to the Oxy admission process, recruitment materials, and decision factors.
Years administered: 2021
*Every third year, the O-ASQ is is replaced with the College Board's ASQ to provide benchmarking data.
- Athletics Interest Survey (AIS)
The AIS is administered every year to entering first-year students at the start of the academic year. It's purpose is to collect students' interests and abilities in specific sports. Data supports the efforts of Title IX and Athletics to ensure equitable athletic opportunities for all students.
Years administered: 2019, 2021
- OXY Survey
The OXY Survey is administered in the spring semester to either all or a select group of students. Its purpose is to collect high priority content in the years when an external survey is not fielded to maintain yearly longitudinal trends.
Topics covered: Satisfaction and belonging, academic engagement, campus climate, student-faculty interactions, urban liberal arts experiences, and health and wellness.
Years administered: 2021
The OXY survey is administered in years when an external survey is not scheduled, or to student cohorts not receiving an external survey.
- Fall Check-In (FCI)
The Fall Check-In survey is adminstered annually approximately 4 weeks in to the Fall semester. It is designed to touch base with students on their experiences early in the semester to gain insights on adjustment, sense of belonging, general well-being, and other success indicators.
Topics covered: Satisfaction and belonging, health and wellness, engagement, expectations, and preparedness.
Years administered: 2021, 2022
- Oxy Speaks!
The Oxy Speaks! survey was administered in the spring semester to provide longitudinal data on multiple dimensions of student satisfaction, personal and interpersonal experiences, and perceptions of campus climate. The data supports persistence, success, assessment, and justice, equity, inclusion, and diversity (JEID) efforts. The survey was part of a campus-wide initiative, the content of which will be collected every three years.
Topics covered: Satisfaction and belonging, health and wellness, engagement, personal and interpersonal experiences, campus climate and culture.
Years administered: 2022